GSE Digital Community Badges

Volunteer Badges

Welcome to the GSE Volunteer Badges Page! This is your one-stop platform for all volunteer badges earned across our multitude of European initiatives. Created to celebrate your commitment, time, and skills, these badges are a token of our appreciation and stand as a testament to your invaluable contributions to the GSE community. Collect, showcase, and take pride in your volunteer journey with us

Medal of Honour

This prestigious badge is awarded to you in recognition of your dedication and outstanding service that demonstrated your unwavering commitment, exceptional leadership, and remarkable contributions to our GUIDE SHARE EUROPE community. You embody the true spirit of “Primus/Prima Inter Pares,” being the first among equals, while fostering a sense of unity and collaboration. Wear this badge with pride as a symbol of your exceptional service and as a reminder of the profound difference you make.
  • Dedication 
  • Leadership
  • Selfless Mindest
  • Services
  • Volunteer Extraordinaire
    • This lifetime badge is exclusively issued just once per year and region to volunteers within the GUIDE SHARE EUROPE organisation. The recipient is elected by the respective Region Manager.